Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Archbishop's Newsletter

1st March 2013                                            Archbishop’s House
Newsletter No. 2/2013                                     P O Box 393, Suva

Greeting: May our Lenten observance place us in the loving presence of God!

Emergency: Last Wednesday, 29th February my eye doctor advised me that my eyes have cataract and they need cleaning. He has arranged for the operations for next week.  I leave for Auckland on Friday, 8th March and hope to return on Easter Monday if not before. 

Chrism Mass: I humbly ask for your indulgence that we will do this after Easter. We will have the Mass in the Cathedral and invite priests and lay people representatives from the three Regions to attend and take their Chrism and oils back.  A date will be set on my return. Also the Confirmations’ schedule will then be put together and published.    

Deacon Ordination: The ordination of deacons is scheduled for 3rd Sunday of Easter, 14th April 2013. This will take place at the 10.00 am Holy Mass at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Suva.

Healing &Renewal Time: The front page of the Fiji Times – Thursday 28th February, carried the story of a priest being accused of rape. We ask for the truth to come out. We must not hide or deny the truth. The truth will set us free and we can grow. I ask that we pray for the victims and the accused priest. We are responsible for their pastoral care. I apologize and beg for forgiveness from all. Those who knew the truth are to be ashamed for not sharing it with the proper authority.

Sexual abuse of women and children is an evil that is eating our society and the Church ~ let us all join hands to eradicate this evil human failing by prayer, fasting and almsgiving. The agents of change are: each individual, the family, the community, the Church, the government and the NGOs. 

God bless.

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