City, 14 April 2013 (VIS) – The episode narrated in the Acts of the Apostles
that tells of the time Jesus first preached in Jerusalem and the attempts of
the high priests and city leaders to stop the growth of the community of
believers in Christ was the central theme of the Regina Coeli this third Sunday
of Easter.
Pope explained to the thousands of persons gathered in St. Peter's Square that
the Twelve, who had been jailed with the order to not teach any more in
Christ's name, responded to their persecutors: “We must obey God rather than
men. The God of our ancestors raised Jesus … God exalted him at his right hand
as leader and saviour … We are witnesses of these things, as is the Holy
Spirit.” “They then had the Apostles flogged and ordered them again not to
speak any more in Jesus' name. And [the Twelve] went, as it says in Scripture,
'rejoicing that they had been found worthy to suffer dishonour for the sake of
the name' [of Jesus].”
ask myself,” the Bishop of Rome said, “ where did the first disciples find the
strength for their witness? Not just that: Where did their joy and courage to
proclaim, in spite of the obstacles and violence, come from? Let's not forget
that the Apostles were simple people. They weren't scribes, doctors of the law,
or members of the priestly class. How could they, with their limits and the
opposition made to them by the authorities, 'have filled Jerusalem with your
teaching'? It is clear that only the Risen Lord's presence to them and the Holy
Spirit's action can explain this fact. … Their faith was based on such a strong
and personal experience of Christ, died and risen, that they had no fear of
anything or anyone. In fact, they saw persecution as a badge of honour that
allowed them to follow in Jesus' footsteps and to be like him, witnessing with their
story of the first Christian community tells us something very important, which
holds for the Church in every age, even for us: when a person truly knows Jesus
Christ and believes in him, they experience his presence in their life and the
strength of his Resurrection, and they cannot help but to communicate this
experience. If this person encounters misunderstanding or adversity, they act
as Jesus did at his Passion: they respond with love and with the strength of
the Regina Coeli together,” the Pope concluded, “we ask Mary Most Holy's
assistance so that the Church throughout the world might proclaim, with
sincerity and courage, the Lord's Resurrection, and might give effective
witness to it with signs of fraternal love. Fraternal love is the closest
witness that we can give that Jesus is alive with us, that Jesus is risen. Let
us pray in a special way for the Christians who are suffering persecution. In
these days there are many Christians who are suffering persecution, so very
many in many countries. Let us pray wholeheartedly for them with love. May they
feel the living and comforting presence of the Risen Lord.”
the Regina Coeli, the Holy Father noted that yesterday, in Venice, Italy, Don
Luca Passi, 19th century founder of the Pious Society of St. Dorothy for the
Laity and the Institute of the Teaching Sisters of St Dorothy, was beatified.
He also spoke of the Day of the Sacred Heart University, which is celebrated
today in Italy, the theme of which is “New Generations: Beyond the Crisis” this
“This university,” he said, “born of the mind and heart of Fr. Agostino Gemelli, with great popular support, has trained thousands upon thousands of young people to be competent and responsible citizens, builders of the common good. I invite you to always support this University so that it might continue to offer an excellent education to new generations, so that they can face the challenges of our present time.”
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