Thursday, 1 September 2011

Pope Asks Forgiveness For 'Cradle Catholics' Who Did Not Evangelize

30-August-2011 -- EWTNews Feature
Pope Benedict XVI has asked forgiveness on behalf of generations of "cradle Catholics" who have failed to transmit the faith to others.

"We who have known God since we were young, must ask forgiveness," said Pope Benedict to a gathering of his former students at the papal summer residence of Castel Gandolfo, south of Rome, on Aug. 28.
The Pope said an apology is due because "we bring people so little of the light of His face, because from us comes so little certainty that He exists, that He is there, and that He is the Great One that everyone is waiting for."

The Pope's comments were made at a Mass to conclude the annual meeting of his "Schülerkreis" or "Study Group."
The gathering has taken place every summer since 1977 and draws together those who defended their doctoral theses in front of Pope Benedict during his years teaching theology at various universities in Germany.

This year they were joined, for the first time, by those who have more recently written their doctrinal theses on works of the Pope. Together, the 40 invitees had spent four days exploring the issue of the "new evangelization."
The Pope based his brief introductory comments upon the words of the psalm of the day, Psalm 62, which describes the human soul that thirsts for God "like a dry and weary land."

Pope Benedict said that believers should ask Christ—who is the living water—to send them "those who seek the living water elsewhere." Just days after the success of World Youth Day in Madrid, he also asked for particular prayers for young people.

The homily for the Mass was delivered by another former student of the Pope - Cardinal Christoph Schonborn of Vienna - who spoke of the need for complete renunciation of self required by radical Christian discipleship.
"Only by not conforming ourselves to this world, can we recognize the will of God and make it the foundation of our lives," he said.

Pope Benedict's academic career spanned 26 years and saw him teach at universities in Bonn, Munster, Tubingen and Regensburg, prior to his appointment as Archbishop of Munich and Freising in 1977. Despite his increasing responsibilities, he has always attended the annual gathering of his alumni, even after becoming Pope in 2005.

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Calif. Bill Draws Fire For Letting Children Consent To Std Vaccines

30-August-2011 -- Catholic News Agency

Public action is needed to defeat a California bill that would allow children as young as 12 to consent to Gardasil vaccines without parental permission. Opponents say the proposal is a violation of parents' rights and is motivated by the desire to prepare children for sexual activity.

"We're encouraging people to spread the word, to write letters to the editor, to contact state senators," said Bill May, chairman of the San Francisco-based Catholics for the Common Good. "This bill has not received very much publicity in the mainstream press."

"It's a blatant violation of parental rights to put children in position of being coerced into receiving vaccinations that they don't need and could jeopardize their health," May told CNA on Aug. 29.

"Basically, children have no defenses against an adult coming and saying 'this is good for you, and you should have it, and not let your parents know.'

"How can a child evaluate risks?" he asked.

The proposed law, AB 499, is sponsored by Assemblywoman Toni Atkins (D-San Diego). A vote on it is expected sometime this week.

The proposal would allow children 12 years-old and older to consent to Gardasil vaccinations and other methods to prevent sexually transmitted diseases without telling their parents.

May said that the bill's emancipation of minors to consent to such treatments presumes that organizations like Planned Parenthood or other adults are going to approach children and "suggest they be vaccinated and make an argument for why it is important for them."

He warned that the bill has nothing to protect children from those with a profit incentive or other incentives to try to talk children into being vaccinated to prevent sexually transmitted diseases.

"Part of it is to prepare them to have sexual activity, which is not a message most parents want to get out at that age," May said.

The Senate Appropriations Committee had postponed the bill over concerns about its costs. If minors do not need to obtain parental consent, the state will have to pay for the vaccines. A committee analysis estimated the costs at $75,000 to $155,000 per 100 children vaccinated.

However, May thought the proposal was likely to pass this time unless there is "a huge public outcry."

"Serious questions have been raised about this bill in every committee that it has gone through. The questions have not been addressed and the votes have been straight party line," he reported.

If the bill passes, opponents will seek a veto from the governor.

Archbishop José H. Gomez of Los Angeles also opposes the bill. He said it represents "a dangerous government intrusion into parents' rights." The bill would undermine parents' duty to "educate their children in moral values" and to be responsible for their children's physical and spiritual well-being.

"By passing this bill, in effect, government would be encouraging young people to engage in activities that are contrary to their parents' moral values - and then to lie about it or keep it secret from their parents," he said in a July 7 column for The Tidings.

"Children are not mature enough to think through the consequences of complicated medical decisions. This legislation would have children face these decisions without parental guidance - and under pressure from adults and corporate interests that have financial and other motives to promote these medications."