Catholic women converge
Salaseini Vosamana
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
MORE than 1500 Catholic women nationwide are expected to converge at St Andrews Parish in Savarekareka, Savusavu, this weekend for their annual conference.
The women will elect new office bearers and discuss development plans for the Catholic Women's League.
League president Susana Evening said the women from the 35 parishes throughout the country had anticipated the three-day event to fundraise and socialise with other parishioners.
Delegates are expected to start arriving today and the function starts on Friday.
"We will be discussing issues such as child protection, human trafficking, sexual assault and foremost we'll be fundraising to raise funds for our organisation. Part of the funds collected will also be directed to the Archbishop Petero Mataca to assist the seminarians with their education."
Holy Family Catholic Women's League president Selina Lee Wah said women would showcase some of their handicraft at the craft exhibition on Saturday to promote the talents and skills they have.
"Apart from the workshop and the fundraising drive, the meeting will also see to the enhancement of our individual spiritual growth. The Northern women are looking forward to a better celebration this year and we encourage the participation of more women because this meet only happens once in a year," Ms Lee Wah said.